We all want to protect our loved ones and hope that they will be looked after and provided for in the way that we would have wanted.
In receiving advice and legal planning you can provide protection for yourself and your family.
We all want to protect our assets for the benefit of our loved ones. A Will disposes of the assets which we hold at the date of our death.
Why should I make a Will?
- To ensure your wishes are carried out by someone you know and trust
- Decide who to formally entrust with your children’s upbringing (informal arrangements made between family and friends have no legal status)
- Provide for your unmarried Partner (as they are not legally recognised they would receive nothing without being specified in your Will)
- Guarantee that if your Spouse/Partner remarried in the future that your children will inherit your property/estate (not their new spouse or future children)
- Save your family thousands of pounds in Inheritance Tax
- Prevent your family home from being sold to pay for care fees
- Safeguard the inheritance which you leave from being lost through divorce or bankruptcy proceedings